Friday, December 18, 2015

HEAVY METALS LIKE MERCURY ARE ONE OF THE 6 Toxins That Destroy Thyroid Health

HEAVY METALS LIKE MERCURY ARE ONE OF THE 6 Toxins That Destroy Thyroid Health

Heavy Metals

There are many heavy metals we have been forced to deal with, and that includes mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, and lead. There has been a strong association between high levels of toxic metals and the autoimmune thyroid diseases Hashimoto’s and Graves Disease, due to evidence that mercury accumulates in the thyroid gland.
Therefore, if you have autoimmune thyroid disease, it is quite probable you have higher levels of mercury in your body than the average person.
Common exposure points for mercury accumulation includes seafood, dental amalgams (metal fillings), environmental pollution, and vaccines (the flu shot being the biggest offender).

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Turmeric teeth whitening paste

The Method 

Turmeric Teeth Whitener

Author: Drew Canole

* You can also do this with only turmeric powder and water.



  1. Wet your toothbrush and dip it in mixture. Brush it on teeth as you would toothpaste. Allow to sit for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Spit and rinse well.
  3. Continue daily for a few days or even a week until you see desired results

And that’s it!